Funplugged Friday

So, today is Funplugged Friday !

“Funplugged” is a combination of 2 words – “Fun” and “Unplugged”

“Unplugged” means “Unplugged is when you play an acoustic version of a song. Acoustic roughly means using only non electric instruments. So no Electric guitars or Bass or a Keyboard or mixer etc.”

And guess what, I also have known the proper meaning of “Unplugged” Today while writing this post, till now for me Unplugged was just that version of a song which donot comprise of any music in background.

Today, I will share some funplugged stuff of life which I recently discovered when I was surfing the net for knowing more about the personality I had interacted with.

Fridays are always Fun as weekends start and somehow alongwith beginning of weekends, Friday is also the day of release of Bollywood movies.

For me, learning to play keyboard and music was always a passion in childhood and I always got A Grade into the Music exams that were held at school. But owing to circumstances, I was unable to pursue Music alongwith my studies and down the line somehow I forgot about pursuing my passion for music.

But as I have always mentioned in my other posts too, when I had an interaction with one of the personalities from the field of Entertainment and Music, I happened to revisit my passion for music and now I am reliving the lost passion of mine and learning music and singing.

This makes my weekends full of learning with fun and unplugged from stress, worries, tensions and imbibes in me a positive energy, love, respect, enhances my confidence and sometimes a feeling of having got enhanced internally also gets going.

The above was a basic description of the concept of “Funplugged Friday.” I will keep posting about more of fun with music and other instances of my life  in the upcoming posts.

Donot forget to celebrate the Terrific Trio Occassions this Sunday.

Its a combination of 3 Events on a day !

1. International Yoga Day

2. World Music Day

3. Fathers Day

Do Celebrate the Day of Health, Music and Blessings this Sunday and make it a “Sehatmand Sunday” for you

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